The Veep has been announced, page-92

  1. 84,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "Rolling out Harris expecting all the real blacks will vote for her really is taking their vote for granted."

    oh --------------- the 'real blacks'

    crikey - I wonder what a 'real' white is?

    I had an idiotic conversation with a very good mate of mine weeks ago like this - he left me on the floor laughing rolling around

    I was sitting at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower ----------- hardly a soul about - more people living in Tassie atm than in Paris - and, there's only 3 people in Tasmania and they call it crowded

    anyway - he says to me ----------- 'mate, - watch out for those black guys'

    I said - what black guys

    and he goes on to tell me about any black guys that are around - because they grab your backpack

    now ------------ I said - but, hang on a minnie ---------------- you're black

    na, he's says - not my kind of black - those black guys

    I said - well, every second person in Paris is black - should I watch em all?

    he said - yep.

    Then he told me how he went to a food hall in Paris and he put his pack on he chair next to him - and a man came up to him and said - sir, hang on to your bag - there's black guys that come up and grab it and run away

    :) - guess what -------------- the bloke who was telling him was black as well

    unbelievable really - but, there you go

    I must be different - because I'm more interested in what Kamala's mother and father did in life - rather than what exact shade of black or brown or white they are

    seems to me that they were far more likely to have raised a smart kid who can run a nation as opposed to some sort of dubious real estate agent - who happens to be orange

    doesn't matter what colour ------------- as long as it's not orange
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