This is society breaking down, page-90

  1. 81,114 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "is your argument that
    the excess of conservative values
    has somehow caused our society to decline?"


    "Organised crime, very conservative in nature ?" -- yep --- hands off, government to get out of the way and let business do business, - ring any bells for Liberal Party principles???

    "Abusing the elderly?" -- ditto - profit orientation and lack of government supervision - again - pure Liberal Party principles

    "abuse and wage theft ?" -- gosh - you're seeing a pattern here, aren't you?

    I don't really see your point. You don't really see the point? - yet, you pointed out all the issues yourself - and, yet - you don't recognise them

    "We have less conservatism than any society ever. Pretty much anything goes."

    1. We just had 9 years of Liberals - including Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison

    2. Pretty much anything goes ------------ you appear totally oblivious to Liberal Party principles - small government and government to get out of the way ---

    sorry - that translates to 'anything goes'

    if you don't really understand the point - then - sorry - you never will
    Last edited by pintohoo: 15/08/22
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