TNT 0.00% 13.0¢ tesserent limited

TNT Chart, page-2100

  1. 3 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    perhaps you need to learn to draw a line in the chart to read the chart rationally. I know the SP going to dip because I notice there is strong but slow sell happening from 36c with intention to pull down the SP back to resistance level but not because of my comment lead to SP down.

    I personally hold on 200k with 34c and topped up 30k at 32c and I don't mind the SP falling because it will be my long term investment. Besides, I can see some big volume starting to pick up at 31.5c. IMO

    This is a free chat room where everyone can free comments on the stock they want and if you don't like you can just skip it. the words you commented surely will hurt others but not on me. lol
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Currently unlisted public company.

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