To Inquire or not to Inquire. The PM calls family of woman making allegations a "Mob", page-2

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    Equally, it's difficult to believe there will be many future cases involving a deceased complainant, whose committed group of friends and supporters have put forward such a serious, detailed allegation against an Attorney-General.

    The pressure for a public inquiry won't quickly dissipate. Labor has ensured that. So too has the public mood. Against the backdrop of Brittany Higgins, Grace Tame and other brave women who have come forward, there is a great political danger for the Morrison government if it's not seen to be doing all within its power to ensure its own Cabinet members are beyond reproach.

    The Prime Minister must now weigh whether to call an inquiry which Porter clearly thinks would be an unfair process ("What would I say before that inquiry?", he asked rhetorically) or resist such a step and face even further criticism his government is not listening to victims; not giving women confidence their stories will be heard and "believed".

    An inquiry by a respected former judge or panel of independent experts, looking at the "balance of probabilities" in this case may not be the perfect answer, but it may be the only viable option left available to deliver some closure in this unusual case.

    Politically, it may also be the only circuit breaker for a Prime Minister in a difficult position.

    David Speers is the host of Insiders, which airs on ABC TV at 9am on Sunday or on iView.

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