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Originally posted by asx_dude
Vale profits and signals cut to 2016 iron ore outlook - Reuters 30/07/2015 - By Stephen Eisenhammer
"Production next year will likely be less than the 376 million tonnes it had previously forecast"
"Probably we'll be between the guidance we gave... and the 340 million tonnes we are producing in 2015," iron ore chief Peter Poppinga told analysts on a conference call, adding the company was phasing out higher-cost production.
My Thoughts...
The Supply Glut term still being thrown around the room by Analysts needs to be reconsidered now as its old news and overstated. Roy Hill will offset the 20-40m tonnes difference from Vales comments.
Will RIO and Bhp follow suit?
Global growth, China's 7%, and Indias post 2016? should absorb the rest of gradual IO supply from RIO and Bhp.
IO may continue to break through 60s and beyond in near future based on revised supply figures. Gina's view of settling at 80 per tonne is sound in my views.
Aussie IO mid-tiers companies Hedging to mitigate downside risk and volatility.
China housing on the up in big cities with nice returns reported over last 3 months which will most likely spread to second tier cities as housing inventory is absorbed.
India is a giant about to wake hungry for enormous growth and urbanisation as of next year.
IO technically in bull market now.
AUD dollar dropping and most likely will hit 60s adding to Aussie profits.
Aussie FMG, BCI and AGO will survive and prosper and rightfully so as they are some of the lowest cost producers in the world and Aussie owned.
Good luck holders....
Same horse same jockey. Until something changes it will only ever be a one way flow to promoters advisors and their scaly mates.