OAK 0.00% 5.5¢ oakridge international limited

We got an invite to the Chinese IOT market, page-44

  1. 1,371 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Of course there is a commercial reason for him to do so. And it's clearly explained in the announcement. He gets to sell more of his chips. Ones that have ADRC on them, so we also get that 17% commission on each chip sold

    "The parties’ current intentions with respect to the JV is that:
    (a) to:
    new entities will be established in China with equal ownership primarily

    1. 1) acquire and accumulate subscribers;
    2. 2) advertise and market subscriber based big data or similar data analytics services or products;
    3. 3) sell, distribute or market products designated by Complex Semiconductors as covered by this agreement that will incorporate ADRC Technology and utilise Telink Semiconductor chip sets;"
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Mkt cap ! $1.484M
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1 67010 4.9¢

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5.5¢ 3032 2
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Last trade - 16.12pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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