We have to stop the Government, page-104

  1. 2,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 331
    Sorry Jb, but this really does sound like you are harbouring a deep resentment and envy for reasons I can't fathom.

    Would you really object to a blind person getting a seeing-eye dog, unless you too are given a seeing-eye dog? Let's say for argument's sake that you get your wish, and all government assistance that accrues to the unfortunate also accrued to you, just coz, what are you going to do with a seeing-eye dog? You could sell it I suppose, as a pet or a second-hand seeing-eye dog, but it loses an enormous amount of value TO US simply because we were stupid enough to give you one when you're not visually impaired.

    Consider this particular emergency-payment/increase to Newstart as your seeing-eye dog, and consider that everybody you are talking to on this site are the people who are going to have to foot the not insubstantial bill for providing a seeing-eye dog to a member of our society (that would be you), not only 'just coz', but in whose hands we get 90% less efficient use of OUR money.

    Consider also your own idea of not delivering any assistance to anybody unless everybody gets it, and how ridiculous you and the party you supported in implementing your own personal policy preferences are going to look when photographs of Gina Rinehart and Gerry Harvey receiving their Newstart payments start going viral on social media.

    You might have a bitter taste in your mouth because your tax dollars are going to people other than yourself, but I am quite sure that if you think they have it better than you that you could very quickly engineer a swapsies with any one of several hundred thousand of them. You might also be surprised at how many of them would be considered universally to be more deserving of your position, than you. And yet there you sit, alive and well, and wealthy andsafe enough not to be receiving this pretty generous assistance from yourself, me and several million other taxpayers.

    Stay safe man, and help others to do the same.
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