"God is light – What does that mean?Light is the nature and...

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    "God is light – What does that mean?

    Light is the nature and character of God. He is not a light or a kind of light; He is light itself. All light comes from Him. At the beginning of time, He created the light to dispel the darkness and chaos that was over all the earth (Genesis 1:1–5)"

    How does the Trinity express Its collective will? By appointing a spokesperson. A the beginning that task fell upon God the father and a handful of prophets, but once His Son learned at the local synagogue the law that He, the Father, dictated to Moses, God the Father promptly tried to pass such task solely to His Son and after His Son's death to the top administrator/s of the Christian/s Church/s,

    but judging by the number of self-appointed spokepersons available at this forum without .much success.

    Why * First you mention Trinity, no of God.
    * Nothing fell on the Father, his plan before the world existed with him, was for a Jesus to be in the future and this is ref as the Beginning of the creation of God Rev 3:14 and the firstborn of creation, in the mind and plans of God Col 1:5.
    Also known as Logos and Glory.

    * His Son learned at the local synagogue the law that He, the Father, dictated to Moses,
    Son learned at synagogue and now your trying to suggest, he dictated that to Moses = YA WHAT, Moses was long gone before Jesus came.

    * You rightfully have, God is not "a" Light, but light, the true light john 1:9 and Father of it James 1:17.
    * Jesus says, he was, is, "a" light, John 12:46.
    * 2 Tim 6:16 - Who (Jesus) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

    So right there before your very eyes, is one of the many reasons, answer to Your point = simple's and Spirit of Truth.
    ...and God was the Word,.........the True Light 1:9, that enlightens every man, including Moses and Co, that ever comes into the world Psa 119:105.
    Jesus became the carrier of this Light, a Light of the Tree, which we are suppose to become, children of The Light.

    Come on guys and gals, light up your life tongue.png with the True Light.
    OR, change your bulbs as they have Blown lol.
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