Who is Behind the American Rioting

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    Who is Behind the American Rioting?
    Bill Muehlenberg CultureWatch June 2, 2020

    We must not think that all the American cities now in flames have just come about by accident, or that this is just some peaceful protest over George Floyd. As the militant left always does, it hijacks legitimate causes and uses them for its own purposes. Those with genuine concerns about the death of Floyd have now been marginalised as the radicals go to work, doing what they do best; destroying everything in their path.

    Indeed, Floyd’s own brother has talked about this:
    Terrence Floyd says while he wants protesters to stay in the streets until justice is served, his brother would not have wanted the community he loved to be destroyed. George Floyd’s brother has pleaded with people across the US to keep their protests peaceful as demonstrations against his death at the hands of Minneapolis police enter their seventh consecutive night. www.sbs.com.au/…/george-floyd-s-brother-calls-for-peaceful-…

    But after a week of rioting, looting, arson and anarchy, US President Trump has stepped in, and declared Antifa, a major group behind all this, to be a domestic terrorist group. While he is at it, he should also declare Black Lives Matter to be one as well.

    As to the former group, Andrea Widburg provides a bit of background on it:
    Antifa claims to be anti-fascist, so people think it’s a good organization. It’s not. When fascism appeared in the 1930s, its biggest enemy was communism. This was not because fascism and communism were antithetical ideologies. It was because they were sister totalitarian ideologies, both arising out of socialism, with both competing for the same voters. The Antifa of the 1920s and 1930s in Germany, therefore, wasn’t a peaceful democratic movement seeking to stand against all forms of totalitarian socialism; it was, instead, a violent communist group engaged in bloody internecine warfare with Hitler’s fascists.

    Also, Andy Ngo says this about Antifa:
    Antifa, the extreme anarchist-communist movement, has rioting down to an art. The first broken window is the blood in the water for looters to move in. When the looting is done, those carrying flammable chemicals start fires to finish the job. Footage recorded in Minneapolis and other cities show militants dressed in black bloc— the antifa uniform — wielding weapons like hammers or sticks to smash windows. You see their graffiti daubed on smashed up buildings: FTP means ‘f* the Police’; ACAB stands for ‘All Cops Are Bastards’; 1312 is the numerical code for ACAB. www.spectator.com.au/2020/05/antifas-american-insurgency/

    **riel Nadales is a former Antifa member. What he says about the group is well worth hearing:
    It has grown in numbers and strength for decades, united only by its adherents’ commitment to shutting down anyone they disagree with by any means necessary — including intimidation and violence.

    It is an inherently anti-American movement and, as Americans, we cannot allow its fascist doctrine to continue to undermine our republic.
    Antifa’s goals and tactics are unquestionably antithetical to American values and a direct threat to our system of government built on free speech, individual liberty and a representative government that reflects the will of the people while protecting minorities. Antifa wants to destroy our democratic republic and establish an authoritarian regime where dissent is crushed and beaten into submission. thehill.com/…/…/473457-antifa-is-anti-america-and-its-values

    As to BLM, Thurston Powers says this about them:
    It isn’t surprising that Black Lives Matter is a communist organization—but the type of communism they subscribe to is. They are conservative communists attempting to fold the progressive movement back into traditional Marxism. BLM has turned its back on intersectional theory, the modern conflict theory that birthed safe spaces, trigger warnings, and the Oppression Olympics. Instead, BLM is rebirthing the traditional class struggle, reframing it in terms of black and white. thefederalist.com/…/black-lives-matter-bringing-back-tradi…/

    Or as David Horowitz has written: “The racist organization Black Lives Matter, which has led the war on cops for several years, is officially endorsed by the Democrat Party, was invited multiple times to the Obama White House, and is funded along with Antifa by Democrat donors like George Soros.” www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/06/dh-david-horowitz/

    And yes folks like George Soros are up to their ears in all this. Soros for example spends billions of dollars in funding hard left groups. He has made clear his hatred of the US and his attempt to see it overthrown. He said this for example: “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” And he is putting his billions where his mouth is: [The Open Society Foundations] has donated at least $650,000 to Black Lives Matter and pledged more assistance to antipolice factions across the country.” www.city-journal.org/html/connoisseur-chaos-14954.html

    Or as Glenn Beck states:
    Soros believes capitalism is the enemy of the open society he envisions, and his solution is to turn to regulated markets not governed by capitalism. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Soros said, “The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communists, but the capitalist threat.” How can American politicians accept huge sums of money from anyone who feels this way about America and capitalism, let alone a foreign-born billionaire with the power and influence wielded by George Soros? www.glennbeck.com/…/evil-progressive-donors-part-i-george-…/

    And Patricia McCarthy rightly asks about the rioters:
    Who are those masked men in black with secret-service quality ear-pieces, military grade gas masks and backpacks full of Molotov cocktails? They are very likely professional rioters, recruited, transported and paid by the likes of some George Soros front group or other anonymous Cloward-Piven devotees who share Soros’ hatred of America and want to see this nation bought to its knees.

    Panic over the virus was waning. These orchestrated riots across the country are the next ploy. Someone is organizing this madness. Someone is supplying the most lethal rioters with all the accoutrements of conflagration and moving them into place to all the affected cities. That all costs a great deal of money. Antifa owes its funding to Soros as do the more violent branches of Black Lives Matter. These players seem strangely secure that they will not be arrested or that if they are, they will be quickly released.

    These upheavals seem to occur only in Democrat-run cities: Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles. It is easy to see why after seeing the mayor of Minneapolis called back the police and National Guard giving the vandals free rein to destroy his city. His concern was that they be masked so as not to spread the virus!

    She continues:
    What is happening all over America these past several nights is not about George Floyd. The rioters are using his death to embark on rampages, to loot small and large businesses alike. These are not protests. What we are seeing is mass thievery under color of protest. Chances are if the looters in Los Angeles were asked “who was George Floyd,” they would not have a clue nor would they care.

    Democrat-run cities have long valued “social justice” (different standards for different groups) and identity politics over lawfulness and basic values. This is what you get when deviancy has been defined down so egregiously that we have citizens behaving like animals.

    The looting in Los Angeles, all filmed from above, continues unabated and without police presence. Businesses that have been shuttered for two and a half months are now being completely destroyed, their merchandise looted. Where is Mayor Eric Garcetti? Making sure no one walks on dry sand.

    No matter how much the media loves to fan the flames, indicting America as a racist nation and blaming Trump for every single thing they can, these riots have nothing to do with race beyond it being a convenient excuse for criminal behavior. Those rioting, setting things on fire, smashing store windows and looting businesses are black, white, and Hispanic; they are a conglomeration of races, but are all thugs without a shred of decency. www.americanthinker.com/…/who_is_recruiting_moving_and_payi…

    If all that is not enough to convince you of what is happening there, consider a few more bits, including all these mysterious piles of bricks somehow showing up at riot sites.

    Several pieces have discussed this:
    Protest observers in Dallas saw multiple piles of bricks in areas where there is no reported construction. One of those locations is said to be near the Dallas County Courthouse. The Dallas Chief of Police reported nearly being hit by a thrown brick during a protest. “The Dallas protest was a lot of things,” National Urban League Young Professionals Communications Chairman Reuben Lael posted on Facebook on Saturday. “But I was very disappointed to see this RANDOM stack of bricks in front of the courthouse. #setup.” www.breitbart.com/…/watch-piles-of-bricks-showing-up-in-do…/

    And more on this can be found here: www.lawenforcementtoday.com/report-piles-of-bricks-are-bei…/
    Something is underfoot here. And we should not be surprised. Much more can be said on this. For example, Trevor Loudon lists a number of the other radical groups fully involved in all this rioting and insurrection. They include:
    -Democratic Socialists of America
    -Workers World Party
    -Revolutionary Communist Party
    -Party for Socialism and Liberation

    As I said in my first article about the rioting, there certainly is a place for the peaceful protestors who have legitimate grievances about what happened in Minneapolis – and in other jurisdictions. But very early on their concerns were drowned out and co-opted by the militants:
    And as I also said in that piece, we need to pray for this situation. Its ultimate roots are spiritual, not just political and ideological. We dare not be naïve about either source of this violence and anarchy.
    Two MUST watch videos. First, this 8-minute clip with Dan Bongino: video.foxnews.com/v/6160810196001…
    And then this 26-minute Tucker Carlson video (contains graphic images): www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n5_D59lSjc
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