Wicked Campers

  1. 9,397 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1344
    Did anyone read this report?
    Seems to have struck a chord across Australia.
    Complaints have been pouring in about, allegedly, offensive slogans on Wicked Campers vehicles.
    I'll admit to a conservative opinion on this subject and I'd support a ban, BUT I wouldn't limit it to Wicked Campers, my opinion is that, publicly displayed, offensive slogans should be outlawed. Now, I know that the police already have too much to contend with and would, probably and rightly, consider this at the lower end of their priorities, however, think back in time and remember when sky-writing was banned, for good reason, it was serious visual pollution, and today we are faced with a similar epidemic. Everywhere you look, get in the car and drive around and within a few minutes you'll be staring at some asinine  bumper sticker with what, presumably, the other vehicle's owner considers an amusing statement but which, in fact, tells you everything about the IQ of said owner and just makes my blood boil. Only yesterday, I was stopped at a set of lights and in my face was written, on the back of a bikie's leather jacket, 'f* off'. Not only written there but was, obviously, commercially printed there as part of the original decoration.  Can someone tell me, please, why I/we should be subjected to this visual pollution and just have to wear it?
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