Will Dan go down as the politician that saved Australia??, page-28

  1. 972 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 227
    Dan is the problem, this will only come good once he has gone........ if he was capable of another outcome we would be experiencing it...... dan brings more of the same....its his prism. Socialist lefties enjoy your moment, you all must be so proud of your man Dan, and the devastation unleashed on your fellow man........

    Destruction of society
    Destruction of democracy
    Destruction of Economy
    Destruction of Mental Health
    Destruction of civil rights and freedom of speech.... particularly Victorian Media

    The toll on lives is so far beyond Covid..... Covid is a joke in a rationalised landscape...... typical lefties, minority blindsides common sense again and again ..... ever thought about big picture

    speaking of big picture, not sure how many teats you reckon you socialist lefties sour has....... need to be mammoth to replace the engine of free enterprise that has up to know paid for your socialist indulgences
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