yes or no, page-176

  1. 29,976 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    The flippant response is, whatever floats your boat.

    My personal thoughts have always been that the Good Books are a guide, nothing more or less.
    God is a concept to help us be better people.

    As a caring,loving person those books provide a sound base to be a better person and let's face facts, we can all be better or at least hope to be better.

    I'm not knocking anyone for getting hung up on the literal wording of their particular book as some need that reassurance, for me, I don't.

    I've often thought that makes me smarter than most and at other times I think I'm just plain dumb!

    The high horse brigade with their total belief in their chosen club have saved me many times from picking an established religion.
    No doubt, follow me, believe my book, only me and my mob understand and know what the TRUE God is and how we can get to heaven, you lot that follow false prophets will miss out.

    They have solidified my belief that if there is a god then trying to be a good person and helping others is all I need to do!

    Or, don't sweat the small stuff because it's irrelevant, SSM to my way of thinking isn't high on gods list if he happens to be checking his list twice, as some here would suggest.

    I wasn't going to put another comment on this thread but your question seemed to be sincere.

    Have a good night. z
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